On Friday the cross-country program opened their season in impressive fashion at the Oakbourne Relays. The boys finished 3rd, just 8 seconds over 8 miles behind perennial state contender Henderson. All four boys relays medaled and the top relay of Cole Driver and freshmen Ethan McIntyre finished 9th.
The girls team won the meet for the 6th consecutive year. All 4 relay teams medaled and the team was led by the relay tandem of Allison Herr and Marcella Krautzel who finished 5th.Mark Lacianca
Unionville High School
AP Physics, Honors Physics and Chemistry Teacher
Head Cross-Country, Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field Coach
Twitter: @LacUVille
Unionville High School
AP Physics, Honors Physics and Chemistry Teacher
Head Cross-Country, Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field Coach
Twitter: @LacUVille