Friday, October 27, 2017

FW: UHS Soccer: 3rd Round Time Has Been Announced

Good morning,

Not sure if it is too late, but I wanted to see if you could announce the start time of the Unionville/Neshaminy soccer game tomorrow at UHS stadium.  Thanks and have a nice weekend.



Jay Garvey

Senior National Account Director, Trade/Specialty Distribution
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
1352 Fieldpoint Drive, West Chester, PA 19382
Office: 610-793-4650: Cell 484 553 1371



From: Garvey,Jay (HP Com MA) BIP-US-R
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2017 9:10 AM
To: Garvey,Jay (HP Com MA) BIP-US-R
Subject: UHS Soccer: 3rd Round Time Has Been Announced



The third round of District playoffs takes place tomorrow.  (#4) Unionville has a rematch with (#12) Neshaminy at the UHS stadium.  Game time is officially 4:00 PM EST.  Tell one, tell all!  Let’s get another impressive crowd there to cheer our girls on to victory.